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              1. <blockquote id='IXwyCi'><q id='IXwyCi'><noscript id='IXwyCi'></noscript><dt id='IXwyCi'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='IXwyCi'><i id='IXwyCi'></i>
                Plastic woven series
                Your location is:Home > Product > Plastic woven series


                Product name:

                Plastic woven bag

                Product use:

                Warehouses, construction sites, docks, trucks, etc.

                Product size:

                10 m x 8 m

                Product description:

                Spot rain proof cloth because it is manual production, coupled with the need to cut the edge, width and width will be inadequate. The rain proof cloth is easy to be punctured by a sharp object, so as not to be dragged on the ground.
                tarpaulin grommets put on the rope, unable to bear large pulling force, otherwise it will tear!
                It is not recommended to Raincloth vertical hanging up, unable to bear the weight of Raincloth.

                Product display